Modern Software Development

A Brief Overview of Software Development Concepts

Created by Shawn Mittal
Sr. Lead Data Scientist
Booz Allen Hamilton




  • Continuous Integration (CI) – Process of integrating code into a shared repository on a continual basis. Often includes testing the code as well.

  • Continuous Deployment (CD) – Process of deploying code upon integration of new code into a shared repository after automated testing.

  • Version Control – System that records changes to a file or set of files over time and allows recall of specific versions later on.

  • Git – An open source version control system designed to handle software development projects.


  • Container – A standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.

  • Container Image – Unchangeable (immutable) file that contains source code, libraries, dependencies, tools, and other files needed for an application to run.

  • Container Runtime – System that is responsible for all the parts of running a container that isn't actually running the program itself.

  • Open Container Initiative (OCI) – Open governance body that maintains two specifications: the container runtime spec, and the container image specification.

Container Orchestration

  • Container Orchestration – The automation of much of the operational effort required to run containerized workloads and services (deploying, scaling, networking, load balancing, etc).

  • Kubernetes – An open source container orchestration system.


  • Traditionally, software development was planned, managed, and executed using the waterfall methodology.

  • Waterfall approach suited for when requirements and scope are fixed.

  • Criticism:
    • Requirements often change during development. Waterfall is not agile enough to accommodate shift in requirements.
    • The design phase may not sufficiently address the requirements as intended by the client until implementation has already started.


  • Agile approach was developed to address shortcomings of waterfall.

  • Advocates adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continual improvement, and it encourages flexible responses to change.

  • Criticism:
    • Agile practices can be inefficient in large organizations and certain types of developments.
    • The increasing adoption of agile practices has also been criticized as being a management fad without considering results.



  • Improved deployment frequency
  • Faster time to market
  • Lower failure rate of new releases
  • Shortened lead time between fixes
  • Faster mean time to recovery



Lets Build an App


What do we want our application to do?

Let's write an app that returns a string after visiting a url. We will use Flask, a Python framework for building lightweight websites.


Let's write the app. We've written a hello world function that returns a string of text.

							from flask import Flask
							app = Flask(__name__)

							def hello_world():
								return "Here is a simple web application!"

							if __name__ == '__main__':

Now we need to write a test for our application. Since it's not doing anything complex, we'll just check to see that the application is returning an http 200 response code.

							import pytest
							from app import app

							def flask_app():

							def client(flask_app):
								return flask_app.test_client()

							def test_index(flask_app, client):
								res = client.get('/')
								assert res.status_code == 200

While we don't have to, let's go ahead and containerize our web application. We'll write a Dockerfile to define what the container image should contain. We also need to make sure we expose the correct port so that the outside world can access our web application through the container.

							FROM tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx:python3.8-alpine

							# Set environment information
							ENV LISTEN_PORT=5000
							EXPOSE 5000
							ENV UWSGI_INI uwsgi.ini

							# Install python packages
							WORKDIR /app
							COPY requirements.txt .
							RUN pip3 install --upgrade pip && \
								pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r ./requirements.txt

							# Add web application to image
							COPY . .


The crux of CI/CD is automation. In order to automate the build, test, deploy process, GitHub provides a CI/CD capability called GitHub Actions that allows us to define steps in our pipeline via YAML.

							name: CI

								branches: [ main ]
								runs-on: ubuntu-latest

								- name: Checkout
								  uses: actions/checkout@v2
								# not using standard actions/python@v2. causes dependency problems with some packages
								- name: Install Python and Dependencies
								  run: |
									sudo apt-get update
									sudo apt-get install python3.8 python3-pip
									sudo rm /usr/bin/python
									sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/bin/python
								- name: Run Linter for Python Code
								  run: |
									pip3 install flake8
									sudo apt-get install flake8
									# stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
									flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
									# exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
									flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistic
								- name: Build Docker Container
								  run: |
									cd sample_webapp
									docker build -t shawnmittal/sample-webapp:latest .
								- name: Run Tests
								  run: docker run -t shawnmittal/sample-webapp:latest python3 -m pytest

Let's see the output of our automated static code analysis and tests.


We've deployed our webapp!
